Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Social Media is Dead!

     Yes, you read that headline correctly.  Social media is dead, and we have no less an authority than actor James Franco to thank for this startling bit of news.  Franco has dropped Twitter after a couple of months of use.  He tells Politico that "Social media is over.  Still up there.  Going down.  You heard it here first."
     Well!  At least we have one less thing to worry about with the demise of social media!  I, and other writers, and businesses, can now move on to more rewarding things.
     I hate to tell you, James - can I call you Jimmy? - but social media/business social media is not dead.         True, sometime in the future, the medium carrying the media will undoubtedly change, but the media will not.  The telegraph was the social media of its day, followed by the telephone.  Now, wireless and instantaneous and cheap communication has taken the place of the telephone.  Businesses use more social media than ever, and those that don't are finding their businesses inexplicably slowing down.  You have to stay in touch to be in touch.
     So, Jimmy, while you wait for that telegram to arrive at your door announcing your next hosting gig on the Academy Awards, you can at least take solace in the fact (as we all can) that Miley Cyrus has resumed Twitter for the first time since 2009, when she quit it because it was interfering in her private life.
     To paraphrase an old saying - Social Media is Dead - Long Live Social (and business) Media!

1 comment:

  1. Scott as a counter point to your point…Miley Cyrus got back on Twitter so that she could follow Charlie Sheen (true story-I read it on the net so it must be true). Winning!!! ????
    I also feel the need to say that, so far, most companies don't use social media very effectively, they just use it. I don't have a twitter, so I can't speak on that.
    I personally do not like overtly obvious advertising posts masquerading as social media. I thought thats what web pages were for?!?
    The great thing is that I can hide people who do this, from my wall. .
    Now get off my lawn you crazy kids!!!!
