In these wonderful economic times, who doesn't want a good deal? Your customers certainly do and they are looking for you to provide it through your business social media.
A recent study posted in Online Media Daily says that deals remain the top economic driver to bring people to business social media postings.
The study, by Nielsen/McKinsey's NM Incite reveals that a whopping 60% of Americans hit social networks looking for coupons and other promotional bargains. Of that number, 23% say they do it on a weekly basis! And maybe you thought only Donald Trump was interested in the art of the deal! Need more proof of the interest in the search for a good deal? Did you pay attention to Groupon's IPO on NASDAQ?
On a global basis, consumers of all ages said that getting discounts and special offers was their main reason for liking or following a brand. (Remember in the past we've discussed your need to get out their on Facebook and Twitter? Are you there yet?)
There is one demographic item of note in the study: consumers aged 55 - 59 and those under the age of 20 were less likely to follow brands for this reason - but these folks are NOT the biggest spenders for most brands, either.
Here's the real kicker, though. Across a study of ten major markets, including the United States, what do you think is going on with these business social media consumers? Nearly 40% of these active Web users were hitting the promotion and coupon sites like Groupon and others from their home AND WORK computers this past September. If you want more, here's the complete study.
Your online presence and your business social media effort is your most tireless salesperson, working 24/7/365. Are you giving this dynamo the tools it needs to complete your sales? To drive people to your site? If not....well....
Ever see anyone compete in NASCAR without gasoline?
It isn't pretty.